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The Peeling Procedure

How will I look during the peeling process?
Before you begin, be prepared to hide for 5 days whilst you shed your unwanted skin. Our technique involves two separate applications of a special cream to the skin, 24 hours apart. Immediately after the first application, the skin is red but not unsightly.
After the third day however, it is a different story. The skin takes on a brownish tinge which darkens to its maximum intensity on the fourth day. It looks like a skier who has forgotten to protect himself from the sun and landed up with severe sunburn. The difference of course is that while the sunburn destroys the skin, the peeling restores it.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

At the end of the fourth and on the fifth day, the skin begins to peel. On the sixth day, the remaining skin is removed by a therapist in a sterile environment. The peeling is safe and controlled and the skin is never raw. Nothing can go wrong because there is no destruction of the living cells. After cosmetic exfoliation, there is a brand new, glowing, smooth, fine textured skin complexion underneath resembling youthful skin. The new skin is sun sensitive and sunblock needs to be worn for a minimum of 2 months post peeling.
​We recommend a peeling once a year to keep the complexion smooth and moist and to keep aging at bay.
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