Skin Renewal Peeling Treatment for
Wrinkled and Aging Skin

How does our peeling reverse skin damage and aging?
During the exfoliation of the skin, the basal cells in the epidermis multiply at a great rate. This results in the production of young cells, not only in number but also a renewal of the basal layers of the epidermis. After peeling, this results in the thickening of the epidermis and more importantly, the thickening of the layers of living cells.
To clarify- Aging skin (whether caused by nature or the sun) has a decreased number of layers of living cells and an increased number of layers of dead horny cells. Peeling therefore restores the structures of the ageing epidermis to one resembling a more youthful skin. These effects constitute a genuine rejuvenation of epidermal tissue.
The multiplication of cells in both the epidermis and the dermis which happens during and after peeling, along with the stimulation of the blood supply, are not mere guesswork but have been confirmed by examination under a microscope of skin biopsies taken from volunteers throughout the exfoliation process. The stimulation and formation of new collagen and elastin resulting in the emergence of new plump skin cells continues over several months. This is why the skin looks better in the months after peeling is completed than it does straight after the peeling. The skin continues to improve up till one year after peeling.